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07Q608 - Walter 6" Gr80 Qs Flap Disc

Packaging: 10 per each

Package Price:

$435.40/10 per each

Usually ships within 3-5 business days

SKU: 07Q608 Categories: ,


Ideal for achieving a smooth and even finish, these abrasive flaps are specifically designed for those seeking to diminish and blend light welds, remove burrs, break edges, and round corners. Their aggressive yet cool cutting action ensures a uniform result every time. With a flexible backing that firmly secures the abrasive flaps, this product proves highly effective when working on curved surfaces. Engineered as a cost-saving one-step finishing solution, it promotes efficiency and convenience. Furthermore, its noiseless and vibration-free grinding process guarantees a pleasant user experience.
Additional Information
Packaging Description:10 per each


  • Aluminum
  • Stainless steel
  • Steel
  • Grinding and finishing welds
  • Surface finishing
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