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61104008 - 10' EXTREME K-5 TORCH & CABLE *** REPLAC

Packaging: pack of 1

Usually ships within 3-5 business days


The ARCAIR® Professional K-5 is a high-quality manual gouging torch that comes with an extra heavy-duty 10ft. cable assembly. This product is offered by the leading brand in air carbon-arc products. Designed with a straight handle, the torch is perfect for heavy-duty metal removal applications thanks to its impressive carbon electrode capacity. It features a conventional (lug) power connection and a single-head (4-hole) design with a 360-degree swivel cable.

The Professional K-5 offers several improvements for enhanced performance. It ensures better torch air flow, resulting in more efficient use of the air supply and improved metal removal. The four-hole head assembly optimizes air flow to the arc, effectively cleaning slag from the groove edge. Additionally, the torch includes an air assist positive air shut-off feature, which minimizes the cycling on and off of the air supply unit. This enables torch usage even when the air supply is limited.

Furthermore, the cable of the Professional K-5 is designed for superior electrical conduction. This not only improves cable service life but also reduces heat build-up in both the cable and torch. The outer cable cover is exceptionally durable, providing excellent cable life in harsh environments. It remains intact even when exposed to the heat produced during gouging, ensuring long-lasting performance.
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Packaging Description:pack of 1


  • Industrial & General Fabrication
  • Structural Steel Fabrication
  • Large Component
  • Large Fabricated Objects
  • Marine & Offshore Structures
  • Pressure Vessels
  • Hardfacing