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K115-10 - 450A FCAW-SS Welding Gun 45 deg Noz 15 ft 332

Packaging: 1 Per Ea

Usually ships within 3-5 business days

SKU: K115-10 Categories: ,


The Magnum® Innershield® Welding Gun is a highly durable and dependable tool with a 450A 60% Duty Cycle. This self-shielded semiautomatic gun from Magnum® is designed for ?ux-cored welding (FCAW-S) and offers a perfect balance between strength and agility. With various models available, ranging from 350 to 600 amps, Lincoln Electric's Magnum® guns are an excellent option for Innershield® welding.
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Packaging Description:1 Per Ea


  • Construction
  • Construction & Field Erection
  • Structural Fabrication
  • Structural Welding
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