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TTU-908 - Flux White Paste 1lb Low Temp. Silver Brass, Bronze

Packaging: 1lb jar

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SKU: TTU908 Categories: ,


Weldcote White Paste Flux is a creamy, white silver brazing paste flux that is active and protective to 870øC/1,600øF. It was formulated for the majority of brazing operations, and is recommended for use with copper and copper-based alloys, steel, stainless steel, nickel, carbides, precious metals and heat-resistant alloys.
Weldcote White Paste Flux is available in dispensable form suitable for spraying or other automatic application methods. The flux will not harden or crystallize, retaining its creamy texture up to two (2) years.
Additional Information
Packaging Description:1lb jar
Brand:Stay Kleen