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55A208 - Walter Bio-Circle Aero / 208L

Packaging: 1 per each

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SKU: 55A208 Categories: ,


The Bio-Circle® Aero liquid is specifically formulated as a parts cleaner and degreaser for the aeronautical industry. It is carefully designed to meet the industry's strict requirements. This product is completely safe to use with aluminum and other sensitive alloys. It conforms to the standards set by Boeing D6-17487 Revision R, Douglas Aircraft Company CSD No.1 (Type I), and AMS 1526C. It contains temporary corrosion inhibitors to ensure superior protection for your parts. With minimal waste streams, it continuously self-renews, reducing the need for frequent replacements. What sets it apart is that it is non-toxic, non-flammable, nonhazardous, VOC-free, and pH neutral. Unlike other cleaners, it boasts a pleasant scent without any harsh fumes or vapors. It can be safely used on all metals and most surfaces, making it an excellent choice for any cleaning task. Rest assured, it is also safe to use on the skin.
Additional Information
Packaging Description:1 per each


  • Safe on aluminum and sensitive soft alloys
  • Aerospace parts manufacturing
  • Airport maintenance
  • For use in Bio-Circle® MAXI manual parts washers
  • Shops machining aluminum and sensitive materials
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