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Helium: Your Toronto Industrial-Grade Gas Supply

Josef Gas has the full range of specialty gases to meet all purity requirements for equipment calibration, instrument analyzers, laser mixes, metal processing, semi conductors and medical uses. We stock, air, acetylene, argon, carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and various blends of each in all the purity grades.

All of our specialty gases are available with or without C of A (Certificate of Analysis).

Safety Data Sheets

Helium (Compressed) SDS

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  • We deliver within Southern Ontario
  • Choose from our huge selection of gases
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SKU Grade Size Description
Industrial Gas Supply for All Industries
HE150 Industrial 150ft Medium Helium Medium Refill
HE300 Industrial 300ft Large Helium Large Refill
Specialty Gases
HE30055 UHP 5.5 300ft Large Helium Large UHP 5.5 Refill
HE300UHP UHP 5.0 300ft Large Helium Large UHP 5.0 Refill
HELZERO Zero Grade 300ft Large Helium Zero Large Refill