181 Search Results for pferd

Pferd 1/4″ Single Twisted Brushes

March 11, 2021 12:24 pm

SINGLETWIST© end brushes are produced with a single, twisted wire knot, designed especially for brushing internal corners and edges where access is limited. Wire filament is with a left handed twist of the brush rotation, which prevents the knots from unravelling during use. The strength of the knotted wire allows adequate pressure to be applied to quickly remove rust, scale, corrosion, etc. with ease from these formerly troublesome areas.

Grind Wheel Pferd 5X1/4X7/8 Aluminum Type 27

March 11, 2021 12:23 pm

Pferd© Performance Line SG. Grinding wheels for aluminum. Grade N-ALU for Soft, tough and hard aluminum offers an excellent balance of aggressive removal and good service life.

Grind Wheel Pferd 5X1/4X7/8 Steel Type 27

March 11, 2021 12:23 pm

Pferd© Performance Line SG. A 24 R SG is a reinforced grinding wheel which provides outstanding stock removal, handling convenience and high cost-efficiency.