720 Search Results for hobart

Mig Wire OEM Hobart Fabcor 86R 035 Metal Core 33lb Spool

March 11, 2021 12:27 pm

Hobart FabCOR© 86R has higher deoxidization elements which allow this metal cored wire to have more tolerance for mill scale welding applications. Single and multiple pass applications with Argon/CO2 shielding gas.

Mig Wire OEM Hobart Excelarc 71E-T 1/16 60lb Coil

March 11, 2021 12:27 pm

Hobart FabCO© Excel-Arc 71 is an all position wire for both CO2 and mixed gas. For mild and low alloy steel applications. Single and multiple pass applications with CO2 and or Argon/CO2 gas shielding.